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This is a syndicate that consists mainly of gliding club members who clubbed together to buy the aircraft.
We each pay in ?75 per month which covers hangarage servicing and insurance, and we charge an amount which varies with the fuel price. ( currently ?95/hour )
Bicester is a superb grass airfield. No landing fees, no ATC, and the hangar is 1 acre in size and you can pull the aircraft out without having to move any other aircraft, and at any time of day. Fuel is available at all times.
Even with the 9 members there is plenty of availability.
The aircraft is fitted with a glider towing hook and is used very occasionally as a standby glider tug when all the clubs aircraft are unservicable. ( Usually about 5 to 10 hours per year )
I have an RV10 to fly which is my reason for selling