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"WASHKOSH" 2015 August 29th-31st Wingland Airfield
(..the nearest one to the Wash).
By popular demand, we are hosting a Special Summer Fun Fly-in that is open to all, and if it flies, we want you here!
We had an exceptionally good turn out of Rotary wing aircraft at our "Wacky Weekend" earlier in the season, so a special short out to all the helicopter and Gyro pilots. Come and show us what you got.
Paramotors especially welcome, as we are very Paramotor friendly, and we just LOVE to play...!
"Squadrons" and "Balbos" of Flexwings and 3 axis feel free to drop in and join the fun. Also single type flocks most welcome (C.42''s? Eurostars? Skyrangers?). Why not organise a club expedition from your club?
Turbines and Zeppelins especially welcome, as are our lighter than air colleagues(it would be nice to put a couple of balloons up over the weekend).
As always, for those who do not have access to an aircraft for the weekend, or want to bring the family along, feel free to come by car, and don''t forget you can pitch a tent or park a caravan/motorhome for FREE..! (we firmly believe that children are our future, teach them well and let them lead the way...).
Early arrivals from Friday afternoon on are most welcome, and it is only £5 per adult to attend (yup, we promised it would always stay affordable!), and for those who have a business or product that they would like to display and sell, it is only £20 for a Tradestand (Tradestands are companies selling specific items aircraft/engines/avionics etc. Individuals selling surplus items are not tradestands so feel free to have a hanger clear out).
ALL proceeds go to the Air Ambulance.
As usual, the freebies...
Kids are FREE!, Camping/Caravan parking is FREE!, Landing fees are FREE!, Bouncy Castle is FREE!, Entertainment FREE! Chilli supper on Saturday night FREE!. - Just bring your own beer.
(Jerrycan shuttle service available for fuel if required).
So shove the dates in your diaries, and come and join the fun. This is the very first "WASHKOSH", make sure you are here so that in years to come, you can tell the grandchildren... "I was there..!".
For those who would like to bring a caravan or Motorhome, just give us a call to let us know so we can make sure there is a pitch ready for you.
The Address of the airfield is:-
Wingland Airfield
Green Dyke
Long Sutton
PE12 0BF
Our email address is:- winglandairfield@aol.com
Our Telephone number is:- 01406 362488
The co-ordinates of the airfield are:-" ,"
Cheers guys, see you there...