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Ikarus C42 FB 100 with glider tow hook
Factory Built, Rotax 912S 100hp, 280 hrs from new!
Radio/Transponder mode S, Mini EFIS
Power Flarm with TAS wifi output
Tablet mount on panel
USB outlets, Cabin Heater
BRS Parachute System Fitted
Meticulously maintained
Good availability, web booking
£50 per month & £60 per hour, inc fuel.
£90 / yr power membership to Bicester Gliding Centre
In large WWII hangar with easy access
Microlight training and conversions available to pilot license holders. Opportunity to fly from historic airfield and learn about fitting in with gliders. £90/hr dual with no commitments. Possibility of glider towing training to experienced pilots with gliding experience.
Contact Jonathan
mobile zero 7793 590334
email KTOW (at) JonathanMay.co.uk