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Alpi Pioneer 300 Hawk.
Airframe & prop 1160 hrs, engine 50hrs.
Major professional overhaul in 2019, new Rotax 912 engine and landing gear.
Idrovario VP propeller.
Hawk nose gear mod., max TOW 560Kgs.
Dynon/Garmin integrated avionics: Dynon D100 primary display, D10 Engine Management, HS34 Nav/Autoplot, Garmin 496 plus additional Garmin 495. Dynon 2 axis autopilot. PS2 intercom.
Electric elevator and aileron trim.
Toe brakes left side.
Trig 8.33 radio, Garmin Mode S Transponder.
PilotAware traffic system (requires subscription).
Leather interior.
Colour is metallic silver overall.
All original manuals, drawings, build instructions etc. included.
No accidents or incidents, always hangared, now in Hampshire.
Will be sold with fresh Permit valid 1 year.
Edit 16th July: LAA Permit Inspection passed, flight test completed, Permit issue pending. Pictures of aircraft ready for inspection added.
Edit 19th July: LAA Permit to fly renewed, valid to July 2021.
Edit 8th August: Aircraft provisionally sold!
Edit 12th August: Aircraft sold.