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MT03 £6.5k (1/4, negotiable)
MT03 Based at Deenethorpe Airfield near Kettering/Corby. Good links to the airfield via the A1. Deenethorpe is a gyro friendly club with a vibrant membership, over 1000m of concrete, a nice clubhouse and tea/coffee/snack and (most importantly) very few noise sensitive areas. Unlike some of the bigger GA airfields you are not constrained to massive circuits which take 10 minutes to fly around meaning you get the most out of your flying time.
It is in an active, friendly and diligent syndicate currently with 3 members, 1 of whom is a CAA gyro instructor but who is unable to fly a great deal due to full time work commitments. Some training can be provided post purchase as part of the sale.
Fitted with RS2, Transponder, .833 radio, RAM mount for Ipad, instructor pack and dual controls, heated clothing electrical connections, 500kg MTOW and 72 litre fuel capacity. Brand new propeller and Pilot Aware system fitted as well.
Serviced regularly and well looked after in an insulated hangar.
Monthly cost of £80 pm to cover hangarage, membership and some fixed costs and £25 and hour (dry).
The MT03 is a great first gyro post PPL and has very few vices in terms of handling and performance and is comfortable 2 seater gyro. With somewhere round 4-5 hours endurance with a full fuel load it can be used to tour quite happily.