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Why fly "old tin cans" when you can fly the Pipistrel Alpha 525
A Modern, Fast, Frugal, Rugged, Comfortable, composite, corrosion free, cheap to operate with high profitability.
Factory built Pipistrel Alpha. Hours flown on this aircraft will keep your SEP current and give you far more pleasure than "tatty ole tin cans"
with rugged landing gear, parachute
Electric Airbrakes for short field performance
15 to 1 glide ratio
350 nm range on 50 litres of petrol - frugal, quiet
100kt cruise speed
80 hp rotax
two blade fixed pitch propellor
All flight instruments
Artificial Horizon, Multi Function Display Kanardia Horis
Garmin Radio + 2 headsets
Garmin Transponder with ADSB out
Garmin GPS built in
Parachute rescue system
baggage compartment
wheel fairings
upholstered cockpit and leather seats
Dual Controls
Stall warner audio Alarm
Stall Warner Stick Shaker (as available in commercial airliners)
Wingtip and tail lights
landing light
Garmin USB sockets x 2 for charging iPads, phones, tablets
Pilot Aware included
Cigar socket
electric fuel pump
Noise reducing stainless steel fire wall for low noise cockpit
Leather seats and upholstery
Discrete Tie Down points on wings and tail
Cabin Ventilation
Cockpit Heating system
and lots more...