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Opportunity to buy a 1/8th share in a superb Extra 300L, G-XXTR based at Shoreham Airport.
This well established and friendly group has been running for 17+ years and has a wealth of knowledge in owning and operating Extras. Highly experienced aerobatic instructor available in the group.
Recently completed C of A (next one Due feb 2023) circa 990 TT and 515 on the engine, all AD’s complied with, prop 140 hours, new tailwheel, 8.33 radio, smoke system, group parachute and electric pedal adjustment. The aircraft is always hangared and in pole position, no hangar shuffling required to go flying!
The hourly rate has recently increased to £195 per hour (wet) airborne on the Tacho to account for the recent fuel price hike. The monthlies are £165 per month making this possibly some of the cheapest Extra 300 flying you will find in Europe. The Aircraft has amazing availability, healthy maintenance fund and a wealth of experience within the group.
Sadly selling after 17 years in the group as I'm graduating onto a single seat aircraft.
Asking price £25,000. No VAT. If you have any questions please contact hugh.tallini@gmail.com