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For sale we have an Aspen EFD1000 Pro Display with the following associated kit.
Analogue Converter Unit
Gyro Emulator
Configuration Module
Installation kits for above
Also includes optional PFD synthetic Vision Kit, and Angle of Attack option.
All of the above is unused and in the original packaging. It was ordered for installation but never fitted. The entire package is from 2018, though in perfect condition. If installed by an Aspen dealer, Aspen offer a two year warranty on the package. If you prefer to have a later version of the EFD, this EFD PRO can be traded in with an upgrade fee for the new MAX. There is also now an integration package which allows this unit to be used with Garmin GFC600 autopilots.
(As a cost comparison example with Aspen prices and a remanufactured EFD instead of unused, this is $16,000 worth of kit plus import tax, so quite a saving to be had if it's for you.)
For further information and photos, please drop me a PM. or email dheal201 at gmail dot com