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Having a clear out to fund rebuild project.
All instruments are as removed and happy to refund if they are not up to standard when received.
Cheers best to send a text and I will get straight back to you.
2. PLB Techtest 500-12Y $5000 new £1000
6. KG102A Directional Gyro 060-005-00 £100
9. Directional Gyro Suction AIM 200-3 £50
10. Directional Gyro Suction RCA RCA11A-8 £100
11. Attitude Gyro Suction Piper Model 5000B-9 £50
12. Indicator Gyro Horizon suction RCA RCA22-11 £100
14. ASI winter 6 FMS3 0-160 MPH £50
18. KI256 Flight Command Indicator 060-0017-00 £200
19. KI 252A HSI 066-3046-01 £200
20. Oil Temp VDO 120-300F $25
21. Oil Pressure 0-80PSI £25
22. CHT 100-600F £25
23. Gyro Suction gauge ADM £25
24. 57MM Turn and Slip indicator £100