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Lycoming O-290-D currently installed in a fixed wing aircraft that just been fully restored. The aircraft has not been flown since 2008, but the engine has been fully refurbished, painted and inspected. It runs very well, but an overhaul is highly recommended due to the lapsed time since the aircraft last flown.
To be sold as a core for £2,500, which only includes the engine block and cylinders. The following items will be sold separately:
Magnetos (pair) and harness: £1,300
Carburettor: £400
Accessory Pad Mounted Alternator (B & C SD-8): £500
Spark Plugs (x8): £250
Core and all above items, as a package: £4,600
Currently still fitted to the aircraft and for the time being can be seen running in Cheshire, but the engine will soon be removed and replaced with a different model. Recent videos of the engine running are available on request.
Low hours - Engine Total Time 354.25
Log book and receipts are available and included in the sale. Any inspection welcome.
Matching Sensenich propellor (as shown in photos) will be available for sale separately for £2,000.