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WAM-120 Jet-A fuelled engine maintained by Gingell Aerospace
MTV-6/175 (69”) three blade prop., Jihostroj CSU
6-Pack “steam” gauges on air, elec T+S
Icom 8.33kHz, Garmin Mode-C, SkyEcho-2 with SD Tablet, Intercom
Built by Less Clark in 2010 (QB kit)
Inspected by Alan Turney since 2018, 350hrs on the “hobbs”
Wings recently refinished by Mick Allen
Spats recently reinforced and refurbished
Whelen Strobes, Nav Lights, Landing/Taxi Lights
Electric Flaps and Trim, Aileron Spring Trim
Anti-Splat Front Leg Stiffener and 5” front wheel (essential IMO)
Full Fuselage Dust Cover, Touring Canopy Cover, Tie-Down Kit
High Quality Dusty Blue Leather Seats and Trim
Always Hangared, no corrosion or other airframe issues
For a Lycoming conversion you will have the choice of nose or tail wheel engine frames.
Save years of building for the ex-USA price of the equivalent kit!