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Built during 2005/6 and first Permit issued 2006. Registered as G-JSRV. She is a delight to fly and a terrific example of this much sought after aircraft. Aerobatics Permitted. NEW Permit issued 23 Aug 24.
Lycoming O-320 E2D 160HP. 1340 Hrs.
1 Slick Impulse Mag + Electroair Electronic Ignition.
Sensenich 70CM7S9-0-79 Propeller.
Grand Rapids Engine Information Sysyem.
F.u.n.k.e. ATR 833A Radio.
F.u.n.k.e. TRT800A Transponder.
TRUTRAK Digitrak Wing Leveller.
Garmin 296 GPS Map.
Smoke System.
Airframe 1040 Hrs