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listing placed 08 September 2024 United Kingdom

Unique Hiperbipe airframe reluctantly for sale

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Hiperbipe £16000

Uniquely capable Hiperbipe airframe for sale.

Fully aerobatic to +6 and -3 G, fitted with a full Christen inverted fuel and oil system, this excellent aeroplane is great for touring or could make an great airshow act for 2025! Built in 1980 and only 1110Hrs.

The airframe was modified in 2011 (with full LAA approval) to add structural hardpoints aft of the cockpit for fitting experimental sensor research installations externally.

Since then, we’ve created some unique data and results. You can read the story about this machine in Light Aviation, Feb 2022 (

After 14 years of experimental work, we’ve decided to call it a day.

We dismantled our airworthy aircraft at Annual inspection in June this year to fix the present squawks and start the process of returning it to stock configuration.

However, it’s now behind other more urgent projects requiring completion.

Consequently and reluctantly, we’re offering this complete airframe for sale to someone with the time, energy and sense of adventure to put this amazing machine back in the air. All components are there, the finish is in excellent condition, and the squawk list is simple to fix – we just don’t have the time to do it!

Bolt on the engine and propeller of your choice, fit the instrument panel of your dreams and have (currently) the only Hiperbipe flying outside North America!

Project is on transport dollies and ready for shipping.

Previous IO-360 B1E Engine (625 Hrs since O/H) and Hartzell HC-C2YR-4CF propellor (31 hrs since O/H) available by separate negotiation if required.

Can be seen at Kemble.

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