Banner Advertising on afors
Reaching the light aviation niche market using, is much more cost effective than any other method. in the UK!
Commercial banner advertising on afors gives great exposure for any aviation business seeking more customers.
Even the most widely read magazines in the aviation niche only reach a small percentage of the market.
This is because many are subscription only and are not available to new customers on the magazine stands.
Also, you should consider this! Are the people who buy aviation magazines from news stands really your target audience?
With some few exceptions, my considered opinion is that they are not! Im a private pilot, and I certainly don't buy them, nor would I even consider it.
If you are currently advertising in a magazine, please, ask for their circulation figures. Then compare them to the validated afors figures below.
You may be surprised, possibly even shocked, to find out how few real users, magazines actually reach. For example, the BMAA magazine issues around 3500 copies per month.
The LAA, approximately twice that. In an educated guess,( because no one really knows for sure ), around 1000 of those people are actually members of both organisations.
Pilot magazine, which claims to be the uk's most popular flying magazine had a circulation somewhere around the 20,000 mark, but as they are now no longer registered with the UK circulation body, current figures are unknown.
Afors, recieves 30- 40 thousand absolute unique visitors per month..
The banner display rotation
As member of Google’s doubleclick for publishers small business community, your banner may be served up using the Google Publisher Network. If you require, you can obtain simple advert reports, The impressions served, and click through rates, so you can see that the advert is worthwhile and it is working for you. Magazines simply cannot do this.
Banners are dynamic and rotated according to an algorithm designed to maximise your adverts exposure to the users for the price you pay (see later).
Banner Availability.
There are a number of banner sizes to choose from.
All adverts are for a minimum placement of 6 months, you can pay monthly, no need for a lump sum up front, unless you want to.
I wish to give you the best value for your money. There are only a limited number of banner slots available for each size, to ensure exposure rates stay high.
Banner Costs and rotation
Banner rotation is designed to maximise exposure to each individual user.
Your banner exposure also depends on how large the banner is and how much the banner costs.
The larger the budget you allocate to a banner, the more impressions it will serve to the user.
The larger the banner, then to get the same exposure rates, the more you will have to budget.The following prices therefore, are suggested prices. You can pay more, or less depending on you advert campaign.This is the fairest way, as no customer gets a better deal than any other customer.
Leaderboard banner ad. (728px by 90px), from £40 per month,
Skyscraper ad (160px by 600px)(left hand side of site) from £100.00 per month.
Small box (175px by 175px) left hand side below the skyscraper. from £15.00 per month.
Rectangles. These are on the right hand side of the site.
300*100 from £30 per month
300*150 from £45.00 per month
300*200 from £60.00 per month
300*250 from £75.00 per month
300*300 from £80.00 per month
Larger sizes than this are no longer available, as they take up too much space and I am trying to improve the look of the site.
The Minimum time for a placement is 6 months.
Banner advertisers spending over £50.00 per month, will also recieve an additional 5 credits per month, which can be used for any purpose, including placing featured adverts.
As am a technical person, it would be much better if you could provide the banner graphics you wish to use, that said, I have limited graphical skills, so I could do basic editing for you.
Payment for Banner Advertising
There are several options available.
The preferred method of payment is by direct debit via GoCardless.
Debit or credit cards can be taken online via a processor called Stripe.
I can sent you an invoice, which can be paid by bank transfer if you like
Banner Format
you can have .jpeg .jpg .gif .png or the newer .webp formats. Light animations are OKThey should be optimised to be 74 Kbytes or less and should be the exact pixel size of the banner chosen. ( This is not particularly difficult but I can resize your graphic if necessary.)
Site Statistics from 1 Jan til 31 December 2020
afors had 362,507 absolute unique visitors, most of whome return for further visits, the average is 4.4 times
visitors, also look at an average of 5 pages each time they visit.
The average time spent during each visit was 3 minutes 20 seconds
In all, there were just over 8 million page views in the year.
The servers, are listed as being very fast, 92% of sites are slower than afors.
In fact I am working on improving this. Ive been testing afors's new servers at the moment, and its working out as being in the top 5% fastest sites. It's usually the users bandwidth that slow things down.
Hopefully this information will help to convince you that afors is a great investment when it comes to your advertising budget.
The rates for are highly competitive compared to other websites.
If you would like to speak to me about advertising, or have any queries please contact me at
Secure Site
Finally, I take internet security very seriously.
You may have noticed that afors is served up using the https protocol, which means that the transmission of the data it sends is encrypted by the server and decrypted by your browser, using a very secure algorithm, which I keep up to date on a regular basis.
afors scores an A+ in the SSL laboritory security test.
Even, can only achive an A rating, which is very good after all.
Need proof? You can test it yourself here. Qualsys SSL Labs
Thank you for reading
Alex Paterson
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