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listing placed 03 February 2025 United Kingdom

Pipistrel Group forming in Bournemouth Area

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Interested in joining a new group forming with NEW factory built Pipistrel VSW127 in the Bournemouth area on the south coast ?

email us for more details

The VSW127 is a superb 600kg light sport aircraft with 125kt cruise speed and 600 nm range
100 litre tank - 25kg baggage
Constant speed Prop + Glass cockpit + AutoPilot
Plus a lot of comfort, for frugal flying.
All avionics included, radio, intercom, adsb out transponder, all lights, 4 x usb chargers, AirBrakes, parachute rescue system, wheel fairings, leather seats, Beringer wheels and brakes, titanium exhaust (corrosion free), stick shaker stall warner, angle of attack indicatory and lots more....

see details of aircraft here

Call us on 07540 899 690 for test flight from Damyns Hall Aerodrome EGML.

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