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listing placed 03 March 2025 United Kingdom

For Sale C42 FB80

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Icarus C42 £33,950

For Sale C42 FB80

This is a syndicate owned aircraft operating out of Gloucester Airport. G-SHCK was first registered on 20/01/2016 and the airframe and engine are both on circa 2,600 hours (this will increases as the aircraft is in regular use). Its had a recent permit which expires on 27/02/2026.

The group have decide they fancy flying a different type, and some want to have a higher take off weight. Its had bullet proof reliability as is maintained to the highest standard, with all inspection and service requirement done by the book, backed up with a money no object maintenance regime. Its been hangered its entire life. We have extensive maintenance records , along with form 1's and receipts ,for every part fitted to the aircraft.

The Aircraft is well specked with F.U.N.K.E Radio and Transponder, AV Map EFIS, Comco Luggage Box, TLAC grey suede Seat Cushions, and it has the approved MOD to increase max weight to 472.5KG.

Its had regular 50 hour servicing by the some licensed aircraft engineers in the group. The gearbox has regular 600 hour rebuilds with Kevin Dilks, the last one was done circa 250 hours ago. It has a new Prop fitted 250 hours ago. Brakes have been rebuilt with new callipers and disks, new door locks, new main gear shock absorbers, new window vents, also new Wheel Spats have been fitted.

Any inspection welcome, aircraft is based at EGBJ Gloucester Airport.

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