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User Address Validation

As of April 2017, all new users pay a nominal £10.00 for registration, however, I did not make this a mandatory requirement for existing users, who only needed to confirm their e-mail address.

The Registration fee was never designed to make lots of money, rather, It was introduced in an attemt to stop Scammers using afors, and I am very pleased to say, that it has worked effectively.

To Validate, You have to enter your postal address into the registration form.
The site then generates a unique security code and automatically prints and posts a real old fasioned postcard to your physical address with this code printed on it. This is very much the same as Google do for validating their map editors.

On reciept of the Postcard, a user has to insert the security code into a form. This is available by clicking on the Little man Icon, which is on the top menu bar next to your name.

Once a user has completed validation, this little man Icon will disappear, never to bother you again.

If you are an existing user, who has not yet validated, you can do so by going to the existing user form. You will need to log in first of course, so the site knows where to allocate the registration fee.

You will need to use a Credit or Debit card, as I have gone off PayPal.

The Provider I use Stripe, is a Global card processor and has a particularly robust security and alerting system.

Please be aware, that whilst afors is trying to help ensure scam free adverts, it is still up to the purchaser to decide whether to purchase without meeting the advertiser and viewing the goods. I always recommend viewing the goods in person, but realse this is not always possible.

In an effort to help, There are 3 potential messages at the top of every advert, these are as follows.

Advertiser Validated.

This means the user has entered the unique code from the postcard.

Advertiser validation pending.

This means that the user has been sent the postcard, but has not yet entered the code

Advertiser NOT Validated.

This means the user has not entered an address for the postcard. The advert is more than likely still genuine, as it was placed by a user who has been registered before April 2017.