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listing placed 18 October 2008 United Kingdom
Barton based Cessna150 share(reduced price)
150 1100 ono
1/20th share in smart Cessna 150 at Manchester Barton.(G-AYGC)
Refurbished interior, VOR,Mode C, ADF, Spare engine owned by the group.
This is a very tidy exmple run by a well established, well run friendly group with good availability. I am only selling this as I have moved down south and can't get back up enough to do it justice. This would make a great first share post PPL or anyone wanting reasonably priced flying in a decent aircraft.
Share price now ?1100 ono Monthly cost ?45 Hourly ?58.
Contact Dan on 07920 165 619.Please leave a voicemail if I don't answer as I work strange hours.
Please check G-INFO on the CAA website ( for photo's.