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listing placed 27 September 2009 United Kingdom
Jabiru Oil Drain Sump Valve
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Saf-Air Jabiru oil drain sump valve
Fast, clean and simple oil changing. Fits 4 Cyl from s/n225 to present day, but only suitable for 6 cyl engines up to Dec.2005 when a revised exhaust layout was implemented.
With the Saf-Air oil drain valve fitted in place of the sump plug you eliminate all the hassle associated with the oil change. Connect a piece of 3/8" tube to the valve, place the other end in a suitable container and push and twist to start the flow of oil. Then just leave it to drain.
Manufactured from aluminium and stainless steel, with replaceable 'o' ring seals. The valve body is drilled so it can be lockwired to the sump. This is an FAA approved item.
?25 inc P&P