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listing placed 05 July 2010 United Kingdom
"Looking for partnership"
Is a well established company in Angola and we are looking for partnership, share, Advise and so on.
Our aim is to improve our flying school as the country?s demand for pilots is growing rapidly; therefore we are looking for individuals, groups or small companies that already own a Cessna 150, 170 Cherokee or similar "FIXED WING" light aircraft, to start the business with us in Africa/Angola-Luanda. ?Your aircraft might not have a value in Europe right but in Africa your old aircraft has a proper value because what it is old in Europe it is very much new in Africa, thinks about that?! Much more information about this issue will be given to those interested one. Also visit www.angobusca.nt Angola website.
Give us your feedback
contac: 07935028476
Company director: J.Albano