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listing placed 27 January 2011 United Kingdom

Low cost flying in Kent

Looking for some like minded people to start up low cost flying group group at either Headcorn or Lydd.

I'm thinking a Cessna 150 with 10 - 12 people or in the group. This seems to be a good formula thats working well at other aerodromes such as Shoreham, North Weald, Popham etc. 10 -12 people in a group would help to keep the initial outlay and the monthly costs low. Having only a 2 seat aircraft helps keep the fuel bill low also.

By my very rough calculations the costs would work out as follows.

Share Price: ?1000 -> ?2000
Monthly: ?40 -> ?70
Hourly: ?45 -> ?65

Headcorn is no landing fee's for based aircraft and I beleive Lydd's are half price for based aircraft.

As you can see At current rental prices you dont have to do many hours for it to be worth while.

Please get in touch if you have any interest.

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