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listing placed 30 March 2011 United Kingdom

for sale aircraft Let410UVP s/n 800329

Let410UVP 500.000 USD

Dear Sir,

We can propose you the aircraft Let410UVP s/n 800329

Date of produce 31.01.1980
Time since new (TSN) 6324 h. / 8646
Landing Number of OH 1
Date of OH 1985, Czech Republic
Time after Overhaul 4197 hours / 5333 landing
Specified life 20000 hours, 30000 landing


Type of engine М601D
Serial № 831061
Date of produce 1983
TTSN, Hours 1237
TSOH, hours/cycle 422,26
Last date of OH 02/04/1988

Type of engine М601D
Serial № 841078
Date of produce 1984
TSN, Hours 1053-24
TSOH, hours/cycle Not OH


Type V508D
Serial № 240061695
Date of produce 30.06.1983

Type V508D
Serial № 430662352
Date of produce 30.11.1989

The works was done on the aircraft:
- the installation of a new fuel tanks (we changed the old tanks for new,
the date of produce of tanks are 2008);
- the installation of a new cover of rubbers and elerons;
- the installation of a new pitostatic hoses;
- we repaired the brakes
- we lubricated the aircraft according to the lubrication chart;
- check of all systems of the aircraft, test the instruments in the

The works will be done on the aircraft:
- the installation of new hoses of hydraulic, oil and fuel system;
- the installation of new tires as main as nose landing gears;
- we wll check and regulate the engines and cords (in processing);
- maintenace of the aircraft;
- to prepare the aircraft to ferry flight

Equipment - standard
Additional avionics:
- GPS Garmin-155 XL
- GTX-320 with АК-350
The price is 240000 USD ?as is where is?

2)With checking F8 and Revision R1, the fresh overhaul of engines and
The terms of shipment ? 3 month since prepayment
TBO R1 will be 4800 hours 9000 landings 10 years
TBO of the engine will be 1500 hours, 2250 cycles, 5 years
TBO of the propeller will be 2000 hours in 6 years
Equipment - standard
Additional avionics:
- GPS Garmin-155 XL
- GTX-320 with АК-350

The price is approximately 500 000 USD.

The Buyer draw up the certificate of airworhiness, the certificate for state
registration of the aircraft, insurance policy by oneself.

These documents must be issued before start the test flight or flight out.

If you have any question don?t hesitate write. ....thank you

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