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listing placed 14 March 2012 United Kingdom

BlueSkyBlue Flying Suit - Bravo 4 Layer - ?75

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BlueSkyBlue Flying Suit

This flying suit is in great condition. It is the 4 layer BRAVO model, size L with Long Leg.

I use a short leg version of the same suit which fits me very well, the material feels softer than the Ozee suit I had and the BSB one has loads more handy zips and pockets.

The suit has been cleaned and has no marks or scuffs, all stiching is intact.

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Make: BlueSkyBlue
Model: BRAVO 4 Layer
Colour:Black and Grey
Size: L
Leg: Long
Price: ?75 ono

The only minor blemishes are:

1. The front neck zipper tag is missing. Easily replaced with cord or tag.

2. Each wrist has had a white letter L and R painted onto the respective sleeve. The letters are about 1cm in height. Could be removed with solvent if required.

If you have any questions please ask away.

With deliver to UK by next day courier for ?5 or collect for free at Rufforth or Baxby Airfield.

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