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listing placed 26 April 2013 United Kingdom

Get to Know Your Jabiru Engine

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Your level of confidence in your engine is determined by how well you know it?

On Saturday 8th June Roger and David are running a one-day Jabiru engine course at Southery, in Norfolk.

In the morning they will be covering the build of a Jabiru 4 cylinder hydraulic engine from crankshaft up, using a combination of high definition photos on overhead projector and actual engine components. Participants will gain a good insight to how the engine is assembled, and its strengths and weaknesses, based on Roger and David's extensive knowledge gained from years of working with Jabiru engines.

After a break for a great lunch the classroom session will resume, concluding with questions and answers. The course will also give owners guidance on how to check their engines and installation for serviceability before flying.

The course provides participants with sufficient knowledge of the engine to enable them to decide what level of work they can undertake themselves, and when to seek further advice.

Weather permitting attendees can fly in and campB&B the night.

Rob Mott, BMAA Chief Inspector:
?I would thoroughly recommend the course to all backgrounds, but especially to owners/operators of this type of engine.?

Visit the website to book your place now!

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