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listing placed 30 August 2013 United Kingdom
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Reluctantly selling my 2009 Pioneer 200 Microlight to make room for a new project. Can be re-registered as Group A if required. Both forgiving and exciting to fly. Arguably amongst the best 3-axis microlights around.
250hrs on the Engine (Rotax 912, 80hp), 220hrs on the Airframe, always hangared and covered; maintained by Gary Masters with fully documented service history. Permit until December 2014.
Included are: all weather, complete aircraft Cambrai Covers, Lightweight touring canopy cover, Custom made luggage compartment screen, Aveo Flash Ultra Strobes and Rudder Pedal Extensions for the 'Vertically Challenged'! Total value: ?4,000 +
Currently fitted with Trig TT21 Mode S Transponder and Funkwerk 833 Transciever which would be included to buyer for additional ?2,500 (worth ?3,000+). Otherwise sold seperately.
Very similar to the Eurostar in characteristics and performance, just a lot more stylish, will float on water and not crumple like a coke can!
Priced fairly, and a bargain with the included extras for a reasonably quick sale. Total package value as new would be ?52,000+