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listing placed 27 September 2013 United Kingdom
Superb FALCO. Call +393928096774
FALCO 4th Series 95,000 Euros
I-EDGY(former OY-BKC)S/N 414. TTSN AF/E 1195 h. Lycoming O-320-B3B S/N L-5964-39 160hp at 2,700 rpm.
Permit exp.March 2015. COMM DITTEL FSG 71M. NAV BECKER NR 3301. NAV INDICATOR KING KI 208. MODE S TXP+ENCODER TRIG TT21. GARMIN GPS 795. New disc brakes toe operated, APU socket, metal control surfaces paint stripped & checked for corrosion, airframe resprayed, all systems and instruments checked and in perfect working order. New battery, generator®ulator. Flies at 150/160 kts at 7,500 ft