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listing placed 26 November 2014 United Kingdom
Training and hire C42 Ikarus P'borough Conington
Microlight Training by Gareth Aggett at Conington
Gareth Aggett is a 10,000hr instructor/examiner with an ATPL who will look after you and with whom you can have confidence that you will achieve your aims in flying. The flying club is Ampsair, based at Peterborough Conington with its friendly welcome, two hard runways and a café bar. The aircraft, a C42B Ikarus, G-CGXI, lives there in a cosy hangar, sheltered from the elements. The Ikarus has the super reliable 80hp Rotax engine, a Dynon D60 EFIS for those who like electronic instruments and round dials for those who prefer them, Funkwerk radio and transponder. It delivers light aircraft flying or better for the cost of a microlight.
Courses offered at Ampsair are:-
National Private Pilots Licence with Microlight rating (NPPL [M])
National Private Pilots Licence with Simple Single Engine Aircraft rating (NPPL[SSEA])
Upgrade from NPPL [M] to NPPL [SSEA] to EASA LAPL
Assistant Flying Instructors Course, for microlights
Ground School for NPPL [M] and NPPL [SSEA] and the Radio exam
Flying training costs £129 per chock to chock hour but is cheaper as part of a package. Ground School is £30 per hour.
Exams offered:- skill tests and ground exams for microlights and light aircraft.
For those with a licence there is an attractively priced Private Hire Group
For all the details of courses and costs, contact Gareth Aggett on 07977 217 250 or see
Contact Details 07977 217 250
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