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listing placed 10 December 2014 United Kingdom

Professional Fixed Wing Broker Service


Fly MillionAir are currently looking to help new customers acquire or sell their aircraft. In the complex market of aircraft trading it helps to have a broker and company you can rely on which has a personal touch. Each member of our professional Broker team only deal with one customer at a time which enables us to maximise our time and efforts on you and your aircraft without distraction or divided attention to other airplanes.

We believe that the successful transaction is the start of our relationship with our customers.

We would be delighted to help you with the sale or acquisition of your next aircraft and our service charge starts from as little as ?500.00 based only on a successful transaction.

For more information on our services please get in touch or visit our website and we look forward to discussing further.

Email -

Tel - 0191 6801856 (Office Hours)

Mob - 07866 192274 (Out of Hours)

Skype - fly.millionair

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