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listing placed 13 November 2014 United Kingdom
Aircraft Tires for sales
Below lists our aircraft tires for sales, If you have this kind of requirement, pls let us know.
S/N Size Outer(Kg) Inner(Kg) Applicable Aircraft
1 660×160-Ⅶ 14 2 F-5,MIG15,MIG17,FT-5
2 600×180-Ⅱ 9 2 H-5,MIG8,LA29,YAK11
3 480×200-Ⅲ 7 1 MIG15.MIG17.F-5,Y-12IV
4 800×260-Ⅲ 23 4 Y-5/AN-2.IL10
5 400×150-Ⅱ 4 1 Z-5,CJ-6,LA29,Y-11B,J-8,IL10
6 300×125 2 1 LA-9
7 500×150-Ⅱ 6 1 CJ-5/YAK18,CJ-6
8 470×210 6 1 Y-5
9 700×250-Ⅱ 15 3 Z-5/M14,Y-7/AN24,IL18,AN26
10 500×180G-Ⅳ 7 1 J-6,J-7,J-7B
Anny Sun