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listing placed 30 January 2015 United Kingdom

Oxford Aviation JAA Night Qualification CBT

Night Qualification DVD in as new condition and in original packaging.

Oxford Aviation''s JAA Night Qualification multi-media course on CD-ROM aims to provide the private pilot with a complete training course for the JAA Night Qualification.

To qualify for the JAA Night Qualification the holder of a PPL does not have to take any tests, but must provide the CAA with evidence that the required training has been undertaken. This consists of 5 hours of dual and solo flying, at night, both in the circuit and on a navigation exercise. This multimedia CD-ROM covers revision of basic instrument flying techniques and reminds the student of the physiological aspects of night flying, particularly the limitations of the human eye in low light conditions. It then moves on to describe aircraft lighting, both internal and external, as required by the Air Navigation Order, followed by a detailed briefing on airfield lighting for both general aviation airfields and larger commercial airports.

The final section contains a blow-by-blow account of a night flight, covering particularly the use of lighting and the care required with electrical systems at night, concluding with night navigation and emergencies specific to night flying.

Night Vision
Instrument Flying
Aircraft Lighting
Airfield Lighting
Pre-Start, Engine Start & Taxying
Night Circuits
Night Navigation
Night Emergencies

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