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listing placed 06 March 2016 United Kingdom

Non-equity Share Cessna 152 Biggin Hil

The aircraft is a C152. G-BSFR. The aircraft is owned by an engineer owner and based at a lively and friendly hanger with full use of all facilities for flight planning plus internet.

We have 3 QFIs with a lot of flight training experience, if your SEP has expired or if you require an Ia nightrating we could definitely help.

Hanger open 7 day a week 8.30am- 8.00pm. Members will not be responsible for the upkeep of the aircraft and so do not need to concern themselves with unexpected repair bills.

The members will pay a monthly fee of £25 to cover fixed cost such as insurance and airport parking etc.

The aircraft will then be rentable by members at £84 per hour wet (Inc VAT) via the internet. We are able to offer this favourable rate because the insurance will be for named members of the group only.

Availability is far better than that of other based groups, and we will be happy for members to make bookings for trips away as long as all members get a fair share of availability.

The hours will be logged from the Tacho (which, for those who are not familiar, works out in your favour by a small amount especially if you are held up at the hold for some time.)

A deposit of £450 will be held in a separate account and returned to you when you leave the group. We just ask for one months notice from the first day of the next month. The deposit will be returned in full if no money is outstanding and no insurance claims have resulted from your use of the aircraft. You will not need to sell your share, as with group ownership.

Essentially you will be using the aircraft at a rate comparable to owning a share, but without the investment or the commitment to upkeep and repair.

Please email Gary at if you wish to join the group, and we will make arrangements to meet up, see the aircraft.

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