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listing placed 02 August 2016 United Kingdom

Shares in C42 Plus second aircraft - Boston Lincs

We currently have 8 members flying a C42 out of Boston,Lincs. The intention is to have 4 new members, 12 in total, giving all members the choice of flying TWO aircraft (but not at the same time).
The intention is to purchase an Xair Hawk, Skyranger or similar, therefore giving you the option of flying something different. It will however have a Rotax 912 engine either 80 or 100 HP.

We have an online booking system that can be made from your phone 24/7.

Cost of Share £6000
Monthly cost £45 per month
Hourly £16 per hour (Dry)
Club Membership £200 per year

We have a friendly club atmosphere with both flex and 3 axis aircraft which incorporates a flying school and also a fully operational 737 flight simulator. A cafe on site doing food at the weekends.

We have some club members who are getting close to GST but may have an additional slot for someone to join us. Just think, £45 per month, £16 per hour, plus fuel, with the ability to be able to fly not one but two aircraft. What an opportunity

Please contact Neville or Chris for further details.

Neville Wright 07853 146949
Chris Hubbard 07939 521514

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