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listing placed 03 March 2017 United Kingdom

8.33kHz radio upgrade


Update: The 8.33kHz spacing modification _is_ technically possible, but the solution will be unique for each radio. I am only developing a solution for the Microair 760, mostly as I already have a few of these, and have the schematics. The modification will involve software changes, and both TX and RX bandwidth changes in the electronics. Probably this will involve replacing one of the main PCBs. It is unlikely to be offered at under £300, so a budget alternative would be a handheld 8.33 radio, or for the well-heeled a £1200 Trig. (Technically the Trig is my favourite, and is of course made in the UK). If you would like some status updates on this, please send me an email and I will try to keep everyone up to date as I introduce my spectrum analyser to the new IF bandwidth circuits!


>I am considering offering an upgrade service to modify existing >radios to 8.33khz spacing. The approvals process is a bit >expensive, so I would like a show of hands for who might be >interested, and the make/model/revision of transceiver you >have. eg. Microair 750 rev.P (This will likely be my first offering)
>Please PM me if you are interested.
>Kind regards, Hazel

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