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listing placed 28 April 2017 United Kingdom
LAA Aerobatic Aircraft capable of sustained Inverted Flight
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Tipsy Nipper T66 MK3 £12,500
LAA Aerobatic Aircraft capable of sustained Inverted Flight
Tipsy Nipper T66 Mk3 with ACRO VW 1834cc engine
Manufactured by Slingsby Aircraft in 1968. VW1834 cc ACRO engine, Fuel Injected and Oil system for inverted flight.
Airframe 1,818 hours, Engine TSOH 114 hours. 12 litres per hour AVGAS or MOGAS, cruise and aerobatics at 100 mph. Compass, ASI, Altimeter, CHT, EGT, Oil Pressure and Temp gauges, Accelerometer, ICOM IC-A20 and fixed aerial, provision for Aware GPS or other
Permitted Aerobatic Manoeuvres:
Loops, Slow Rolls, Chandelles, Lazy Eights and Steep Turns. Inverted Flight on Tipsy Nippers allowed by the LAA, but only with the ACRO engine
Group “A” LAA aircraft, Permit to 17th November 2017. Kept in a dry hangar, at an airfield near Corby, where it can be seen. Priced at £12,500 Contact: 07760 – 409313 SOLD THANKS TO AFORS