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listing placed 26 July 2017 United Kingdom

iLevil 3 AW - Sold Thanks AFORS

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£750 (plus £10 P&P)

The unit was bought from Mendelssohn in March this year and was fitted to a Skyranger for around a month to enable right seat flying and clear view of all instrumentation. I am back in the Left seat now and have new Kanardia instrumentation, so, I no longer need the unit. I paid £1074, but will accept £750 plus P&P. Unit still under manufacturers warranty

Package includes;

1. Wireless iLevil3 AW
2. USB to Mini USB cable
3. ADS-B Antenna
4. GPS Antenna
5. DB15 male connector
6. User Manual
7. SD card

It can connect simultaneously to 7 different devices, such as ipdads and tablets running Skydemon, AirnavPro etc. It also comes with an AHRS Utility app which permits full use of the device and allows full customisation with the aircraft engine and parameters. The unit has;

AHRS - 360 degree pitch & bank operation, GPS independant attitude, 300 deg/sec max turn rate, 4Gs max rating, Output: Roll, Pitch & magnetic Heading, slip Indicator, Rate of Turn G meter, Indicated Airspeed (Max 200Kts), Vertical Speed ft/min, Pressure Altitude (1013) adjustable.

WIFI - Android and iOS compatible,Supports up to 7 devices at same time (UDP Broadcast), Supports multiple protocols; GDL90 (default), Foreflight Sim, NMEA.

GPS - Supports WAAS, Cold Start 60 secs, Full ADS-B support.

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Contact Details 07481 804918