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listing placed 13 October 2018 Poland
Various instruments for Rotax, Jabiru
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1.Rotax 912UlS module p/n 966 721. 4 PIN, 6PIN.In good working condition.200eur.
2.Rotax 582 voltage regulator. Used for 18 hours.15eur.
3.Rotax 582 oil pump.Never used.40eur.
4.Airspeed indicator. 40-170 Knots, 40-200MPH.Used for 18 hours.80eur. SOLD
5.Westach ampermeter. Used for 18 hours.25eur.
6.Westach engine hours. Used for 113 hours.20 eur.
7.Westach Voltmeter indicator.Used for 18 hours.20eur.
8.VDO oil temp.Used for 95 hours.20 eur. SOLD
9.VDO oil pressure.Used for 95 hours.20 eur. SOLD
10.Primer.Used for 18 hours.30eur.
11.VDO tachometer.p/n333 035 002X.Used for 95 hours.40 eur.SOLD
12.VDO cylinder head temp.Used for 95 hours.30 eur.
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