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listing placed 24 September 2024 United Kingdom
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Hi guys,
We have a had an incredible response already, from some incredible people, but we still need more Hanger Queens and spares so we can nail a few together to have something we can fly.
We are a new formed Charity dedicated to getting young people involved in all aspects of Aviation. Our ultimate goal is to create Richard Bach's "School for Perfection" (REAL flyers will know exactly what that is).
As we are just starting out, we have a lot more enthusiasm than money, and we are really totally focussed on buying our own airfield, we can then make this sustainable in perpetuity, so are completely committed to that goal. Hence, if we want aircraft, we are going to have to help ourselves and build them.
Many of you have hangers stuffed full of abandoned aircraft and other detritus, that may well never see the light of day, and has largely been rendered obsolete (i.e, most 2 strokes). You need the space, and we need your junk, and whats more, we can send a trailer, load it up, and if its really useful, PAY YOU CASH..!
So come on guys, "Bring out your dead", and have a good clear out. We can use absolutely ANYTHING. Flexwings, 3 axis, light aircraft and gliders, rag and tube, metal, composite, odd tubes, u/s gauges, nuts and bolts, and any engines and spares you are fed up with tripping over.
The Charity's name is "GET HIGH...Volare!" and you are going to be hearing a lot more of us. So watch this space.... (and watch the mags!)
Tim (Trustee)
07752 257277
We are based in South Lincolnshire, but will travel countrywide to collect if you have useful stuff.
Contact Details 07752 257277
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