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listing placed 28 March 2024 United Kingdom

Flight Design CTSW - Sywell Northamptonshire - Share

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CTSW £3,500

A chance to own a share in a gorgeous Flight Design CTSW in Northamptonshire.

Travel in comfort with a wide cabin, great views, adjustable bucket seats and large gull wing doors. In the winter turn on the heater to keep warm.

It is a fast Microlight comfortable cruising at over 130 mph if you wish, but with a stall speed of just 40mph it has superb short field performance. The 100hp Rotax 912ULS burns 10 to 18l per hour of Mogas or Avgas. It is a high performance aircraft and may not be suitable for very low hour pilots, and has a seat weight limit of 100kg.

The aircraft has electronic instrumentation with backup ASI. It has a panel fitted 8.33khz Radio and Mode S Transponder, PilotAware with external aerials and an Ipad running SkyDemon, etc. It has electric flaps and two pairs of superb Lightspeed Zulu headsets.

The syndicate has 8 of us currently and superb availability – booked through an online booking system. Maintenance is carried out largely by Airmasters – the UK distributer and included in the costs below.

Costs are kept low at £22.50 per flying hour dry, £60 per month, and low capital investment of £3,500.

All enquiries please contact, Kevin Walton, or 07867 825 847.

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Contact Details 07867825847

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