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listing placed 24 January 2020 United Kingdom

WANTED .... A heli (to rent) kingdom for a heli!!!

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I'm looking to rent and type (if required) in a heli, for personal use. Would prefer something with 3 or more seats to fly family in. However, I'm keen to rent something per hour, privately, that is better priced per hour than the equivalent school machine (current on a Cabri G2 right now). It can be anything, Rotorway, Robbo (Happy to travel to wherever to do so) or Hiller, Bell, name it!!

The choice in clubs is limited and seemingly prohibitively expensive a lot of the time as well as limited in availability too. I'm a 5000 hour fixed wing pilot that flies jets for a living. I've been involved in aircraft sales (helicopters of all kinds as well as fixed wing) for 20 years too and can help if you want to sell or buy!!

If you have a heli in your garden/barn/shop, that you'd be keen to sell some hours on to offset your costs, or that you would like to share some flying on if you want some company....PLEASE drop me a line. Whilst only recently qualified in Heli's, I've been a licensed pilot for nearly 25 years and flying around in, I dont know how many types, since i was 7. Trustworthy, mechanically empathetic and professional in my flying, I would love the chance to do some more "fling wing" flying and if it can be for a more reasonable cost....even better!!! Would consider a share in something....but dont have huge capital to spare right now as I pay off my latest Jet Type!!

Thanks again for looking...

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