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listing placed 26 April 2021 Sweden
Fournier RF4D
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RF4D 19000 GBP
!!Reduced price £19000!!
Priced reduced to reflect the difficulties of buying in Covid times.
You will not find a better RF4D for a lower price!
I have to sell my stunning Fournier RF4D which is in great condition. (Covid was not part of my budget).
She has been very well looked after by me and her previous owners.
This RF4D has particularly wonderful performance thanks to an upgraded engine and propeller. The new engine has 40% more horsepower than the original and the custom made Hercules propeller gives a respectable cruise speed of 80-90 kt.
She was previously G-AWBJ and the engine upgrade was approved by the LAA.
Operating costs are minimal thanks to the efficient design of the RF4D. Fuel burn is 7-9 litres / h and MOGAS is ok.
She benefits from an 8.33 radio and a mode S transponder.
All logbooks and documents are saved.
In addition to the images, here is a video of her in action.
I am more than happy to answer all of your questions.
The aircraft is hangared in the south of Sweden.
Contact Details Pls message me here or through my ad on
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