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listing placed 11 November 2020 United Kingdom
NOW SOLD PLAZMANY PL1 project with new engine.
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This is a project.
The plazmany PL1 is a two seat side by side aircraft as used by the Chinese air force and Taiwanese Airforce. It was designed to +9g and minus 4g. It has a superb undercarriage designed for rough fields and a very impressive performance. Built in the uk. Viewing at Sleap Shropshire.
Engine is a franklin 0 235
Video of this aircraft is at
Plazmany PL1 aircraft. Was flying in the UK on a permit. The owner stripped it many years ago for a refurb. The following work was done. Fus has a bare metal strip.and repaint in a professional paint shop. Cowlings were the same. Tailplane and rudder also the same.
The engine was removed and overhauled and has done zero hours since.
NOTE; the wing was removed from the aircraft and stripped for new paint. It is suspected/ rumoured that there was a leak in the pipe inside the d box of the wing and some sections of the d box were de riveted. There it all stopped. The owner then went and brought yet another aircraft... he has MANY!!!.
The skins are still present and show no damage. There is no damage to the ribs etc. Wants the pipe changing, removed wing skinsre reriveting, (cherrymax), engine checking through ( suggest min of pulling pots even though 0 time as been sat), and complete reassemble. Whilst all major components less prop are there, there may be some minor parts/ hardware etc missing. No radio or adf.
First come first served. A chance to get a real fun performance ac.