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listing placed 28 January 2021 United Kingdom
Schiebe SF28A Tandem Falke
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SF28A £3,000
The Cornwall Aviation Heritage Centre is selling its Scheibe SF28A Tandem Falke (3,783 hours total). The aircraft was flying up to 2012, when it received damage to its wings in a hard landing. The wings have sustained sufficient damage in the initial rough landing and subsequent poor storage for the last 6+ years that really they should be considered unrepairable. The prop struck the surface at the same time and was damaged.
The fuselage, cockpit and empennage were undamaged and the engine is still installed (Limbach SL-1700_EA1), although it would require strip-down and examination for shock-loading.
All instruments and cockpit fittings are present. The canopy transparency has been cracked and damaged, but it is available, together with its integral fittings.
We wish to sell the aircraft as is to create more space in our museum for new exhibits. The aircraft is being sold intact and as is and will not be broken for the sale of individual components.
It can be viewed by arrangement only through the attached contact details and viewers will be expected to observe full Covid-19 precautions, including the wearing of face masks and maintaining social distancing.