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listing placed 08 September 2022 United Kingdom

Rotorsport U.K. MT 03 rotors/ head/ hub bar imaculate

Mto3 gyrocopter 975.00

Have listed. Rotorsport U.K. Ltd.
An MT 03. Very nice pair of rotor blades.
Come with paperwork permit to fly November 2022
Full rotor head. Immaculate,
Same as rotor blades unmarked. Immaculate
And hub bar. , all fixings. Nuts. Bolts. Rotor Head vertical stabilisers.
Nice looking piece of kit
Asking £975 the lot

Never flown
Also x3 pairs of ally rotor blades
Plus x3 pairs of rotor blades that have been shaped, just needing. The leading edge fitting into them then pot riveting
These are brand new never used
Also an odd single shorter type 10 ft ally rotor blade
Any body interested in them. Possible home built gyrocopter home build project/ s or home/ Garrage Decore/ airos rpm cafe/ bar. Ideal display
And have a side wall mounting gyrocopter. Single seat enclosed cockpit. With half screen. Landing wheels x3.
Plus set of full size genuine rotor blades
Tower/ rotor head type unit
This fixes to the wall
As it was manufactured , the real thing put with a flat side so mounts to a wall or will hang
Great talking piece ,

Great looking gyrocopter audial display. Clubhouse. / hanger.
Email me
Or text me 07518802606
Some great history behind all these items

The majority of items here,
Belonged to Montgomery himself,
Sadly passed away,
And was passed on to me
Hoping I could myself use a pair of the rotor blades
For my benson Montgomery Merlin gyrocopter.
At present
I’m still without a set ,
I have completed some work on a few pairs of these rotors that became delaminated. In a small area. Now finished
I suppose. One could use. For ground handling field work etc
Most of such. These rotors. Never been used at all
Some in the final finishing manufacturing stages. ,
Lots of items.
Great memorabilia

I’m still on the look out for. A pair of dragon rotor blades or benson rotors
As long as suitable for my aircraft. Permit to fly Etc
Any body. Have a benson spare hub bar. Need one
Am prepared to purchase for cash,
Or do a deal for the whole lot of memorabilia.
Plus mt03 rotor sport rotor blades. With complete rotor head unit And it’s hub bar. With full covers. Permit to fly late November 2022 ,
Approx 350 remaining flight hours remaining. On them
Any interest please contact me
Best is by text. 07518. 802606
Thank you
I’m north yorks area. Nr selby.

If anybody out there
Has. Spare set of rotor blades/ hub bar. Suitable for the Montgomery Merlin.
Or knows of any. Sat somewhere. Gaining dust Etc
Would appreciate very much indeed
Any help. In finding such a suitable set of rotors complete
In order I can gain. A permit to fly on my Montgomery Merlin gyrocopter
Going through the training at present
Would very much like to find. Somebody. Out there interested in all my gyrocopter parts. Etc. Hopefully. Do a fair exchange of sorts or a cash purchase. What ever
Thank you


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Contact Details 07518. 802606

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