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listing placed 18 January 2023 Czech Republic

Monotrike flexwing

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New machine (2021) manufactured by MONOTRIKE (Poland) with a Skypoint Crossover 14 wing (Austria), available immediately.

Still sheltered in a warm hangar. Complete books and records from the first flight. Registered in the Czech Republic. First owner. Total time 20 hours.

Yellow/black trike
Avionics board with a holder for iPad mini or cell phone. Possibility to place a portable radio transmitter. Antenna installed on Yaesu or ICOM.
- Italian EFX AVIO 3.0 engine with electric start and charger
- LED landing lights
- Flashlight strobe
- E-props 140cm propeller
- Digital computer to monitor engine values (EGT, CHT, RPM, TIME)

The tank has a capacity of 19L. The trike has large 345mm wheels for off road landing.
The trike is designed for a quick disassembly without any tools. It can be folded into a van or SUV in 10 minutes.
12V and 2x USB outlets

There is also a purpose built dolly on the high wheels for very easy hangar handling in all directions.

The reason for sale: I have too many toys like this
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