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listing placed 19 May 2023 Italy

TMG Taifun 17E Motorglider

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Taifun 17E 55000€

Manufacturer: Valentin s.n. 1083 - D-KIPR

Engine: Limbach L2400 EB-1B

Propeller: MT-Propeller MTV-1AVL 160-03

Variable pitch: mt-propeller MAP (Manifold Air Pressure)

Retractable landing gear

Flap (-8 0 +8 +15 +30)

Next TBO 560 ore

Instruments: radio KRT2-S; Trasponder C; Artificial Horizon; Turn indicator; Gyro; Pilot Automatic; Variometro; Elt; AvMap V;

Equipment list

- Anemometer

- Artificial horizon

- Altimeter

- Radio

- Pneumatic variometer

- Electric variometer

- Tachometer

- Maps

- Electric compass

- Palin scoop

- Automatic pilot

- Transponder

- Voltmeter + USB

- Elt

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