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listing placed 23 March 2025 United Kingdom

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Vans RV8 £115k Do Not Miss Out!. Incredible Cruise,

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RV-8 Aeros and 200+ HP

The ultimate performance RV-8 Fully Aerobatic, tremendous and economic cruise performance, so much fun, easy to fly and in the best Colour Scheme!

This well maintained and high spec RV8 must be one of the easiest taildraggers to take off and land, crosswind handling is superb. You do not need hundreds of hours to fly this plane and you will be amazed at its fantastic balanced handling and flying on the centre line is magnificent and so much fun.

This plane represents fantastic value for money as cost of an RV8 Quick Build full kit to this spec is over $200,000 - just for the kit ! see approx breakdown at base of this page.

Price reduced to £115k for Quick Sale ! This is terrific Value For Money and I do not know of any 2 up aircraft for this money that will Cruise at 180Kts and it is very economical fuel wise.

Reason For Sale is I have a Hangarage Issue and I am planning on moving and will probably cease owning a plane outright.

The plane is being flown regularly so hours may vary.

Everything works and is in fully working order and Ready To Fly Away.

Incredible short take run ! Great STOL aircraft.

Permit to May 2025. Prop Overhauled 04/07/2022

This plane was originally built in 2010 and has completed just 375 hours on Airframe, Engine and 100 on Propellor (Since overhaul). It has incredible short field take off and landing capability and docile flying characteristics. Cross Wind is absolutely no problem. This plane is also incredibly quiet.

There was a tip over incident several years ago (fully documented with the LAA ) before I bought the plane and the LAA pack will confirm that the Propellor was overhauled and zero timed, the engine was shock loaded and NDT tested by Nicholson Maclaren and reassembled by Eisenburg Engineering and the Fuselage tailplane and rudder and canopy were replaced with brand new supplied by Vans. The full repair was in accordance with all LAA guidelines and has their full approval.

Since I have had the plane she has flown over 100 hours and never misses a beat.

Plane is a high quality build and everything works and is ready to go.

G-LEXY is fitted with 200+ HP Rated LYCOMING AEIO-360-A1B6 engine with electronic ignition.

Hartzell 2 Blade Constant Speed Propellor, model HC-CZYR-1BFP/F7497 with 5 years before theoretical overhaul. ( can be in condition on LAA Permit)

Inverted Oil System
Removable quick release smoke system
Grove Undercarriage
Electric Trim Elevator and Ailerons

Dynon D100 and EMS D120
TQ KRT2 Radio
Funke TRT Transponder new last summer.

Very easy to fly and perfectly balanced and trimmed, winter cruise at 175 Kts at 2350 rpm or at 125Kts at 2000 rpm with 20 litres per hour!

If you want to burn a little more fuel 185Knots cruise is available if you power up! Handling is so easy and well coordinated. My own preference is to cruise around 160 kts as it's still quick but at that speed it's great on fuel.

Superb aerobatic performance made easy by the additional power.

New engine/canopy cover.

Excellent paintwork in a great colour scheme.

Also included is a Pilot Aware Rosetta plus a complete permanent fit kit which includes gps, and external aerials. This is not fitted.

Full Maintenance records available.

Headline costs would be as follows...
Quick Build Kit $71,075
Engine $59,610
Prop $18,919
Governor $4,000 appros
Inverted Oil $2,000-$3,000
Grove u/c $2,000
Instruments $11,400
Smoke system $1,675
Tools $2,000 or more
Painting $10,000
canopy cover $$$
Seats $$$
Pilot Aware $$$
all plus VAT.

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