Advertiser validation pending.
listing placed 02 November 2023 United Kingdom
Airfields wanted by by Aviators for preservation
We're looking on behalf of a client, also a pilot, for aerodromes where the future is less than certain.
At the moment discussions are ongoing surrounding sites which have been optioned for residential planning - efforts are being made to see how the option can be bought out and the site saved.
Others have issues where the current owners are looking to retire or cash out - we're able to give them assurances that the aerodrome will remain just that into the future.
We have a significant budget for this and continue to look. If you have or know of an aerodrome where the future is less than certain, let us know in the strictest of confidence. We'll sign NDA's and other confidentiality agreements, have funds waiting and can proceed at speed on even the most complex of sites.