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listing placed 01 December 2023 United Kingdom

Continental engine parts (C90/O200)

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Continental C90/O200 Engine parts available please see the below.
- Carb MA 35PA (10-4252)
- Pistons (SA-530348)
- Con Rods to suit C90/O200
- Mechanical fuel pump (40585)
- Cam (628421/RR) Good condition
- 4x continental rocker covers
- C90/O200 Spin on oil filter adapter
- O200/C90 Crank

Engine Cases
(All in good condition)

C90 - 14 (with starter lugs removed)
C90 - 8 (ancillary case) 6717

C90 - 14 (with starter lugs removed lightened)
C90 - 14f (ancillary case modified) 6726 RR

Make me an offer parts ready to ship.

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