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listing placed 02 June 2024 United Kingdom

New Microlight Syndicate - North Yorkshire

A new microlight syndicate is forming, we currently have 5 members and require another 1 or 2 members (maximum group will be 7) to join.

The plan is to purchase an aircraft together as a group. The aircraft will be based at a North Yorkshire Airfeild - talks underway to secure a hanger.

With 6 or 7 members, the buy in will be approx £4K - £5k and around £60/70month into the pot to cover insurance, hangarage and maintenance.

Please get in touch asap as things are moving fast and these places won’t be around for long.

There is a distinct lack of microlight syndicates based in Yorkshire.

We want to keep the syndicate fairly small, so all members have a sense of ownership and great availability’

If you would like to contact me on 07894638891, my name is Matt. I have a YouTube channel ‘Flying With Matt’ if you want to check me out! Call, text or WhatsApp - all method is ok with me.

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