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listing placed 06 August 2024 United Kingdom

***SOLD*** Bristell NG5 for sale

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This beautiful NG5 Speedwing is a real eye-catcher. It has been a joy to own and is only reluctantly being sold. The meticulous care taken during its build in 2014 is clear even now. Before reaching its first owner, it featured as a show plane. Thanks to a professionally-applied ceramic coating on the paintwork a year ago - and living in a hangar - it looks as good today as it did when it was first built. G-STEL will not disappoint.

No expense has been spared with maintenance and some useful additions. Amongst others it has had:

Remanufactured starter motor
New distributor caps, HT leads and spark plugs
External aerials for the PilotAware Rosetta
Updated Trig Radio and transponder
New Teleflex (steering) cable
New cabin air heat exchanger (for the cold weather)
Remanufactured fuel pump
Fuel drain valves
New battery
Full set of covers

The Jabiru 3300 six cylinder engine is rock-solid. The oil and filter are changed every 25 hours. It has all the scheduled maintenance. Since owning it, regular compression tests and borescoping are undertaken with no sign of deterioration.

The plane is used for “distance” work. Very few journeys are less than a two-hour round trip. I have flown from its Deanland (EGKL) base on the South Coast, to France, Scotland and Ireland, without hesitation.

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